Learn over 1000 of the most commonly used words in a new language

We have generated 90 free Anki decks to download and use in order to help you on your journey to learning a new language. These decks include the native word, an audio example, and its translation. On average it can take about 15 hours to learn 1000 words in a new language.

Acheiving native level fluency would require learning over 10,000 words. However, with the knowledge of over 1000 words you will land somewhere between a functional beginner and conversational level. In most of the world's languages, 500 words will be more than enough to get you through any tourist situations and everyday introductions.

Once you have mastered at least 1000 in any given language your should then move on to consuming media in your target language. You should be able to understand about 80% of the words in any given media but you should be able to pick up new words and phrases from context. Good luck on your language learning journey!

Anki Decks for English Natives:

Anki Decks for French Natives:

Anki Decks for German Natives:

Anki Decks for Italian Natives:

Anki Decks for Japanese Natives:

Anki Decks for Korean Natives:

Anki Decks for Mandarin Chinese Natives:

Anki Decks for Mexican Spanish Natives:

Anki Decks for Polish Natives:

Anki Decks for Russian Natives: